UVB-L bitumen emulsion plant (lab system)

This product is designed for testing of known recipes of emulsions, primers and liquid rubber. It can also be used for development of new materials and emulsifiers and the corresponding research and experiments.

The UVB-L is used in asphalt-concrete production facilities and in specialized research laboratories with great success.

The advantage of these units are:

  • small size;
  • small power consumption;
  • ability to use minimal amounts of products for experiments;
  • easy readjustment for production of various samples;
  • simple operation and control.

The UVB-L unit is specifically designed for:

  • production of  small samples of bitumen emulsions;
  • for practical development of new water bitumen emulsion composition, with various components and made for different purposes.

The UVB-L was designed for operation in ambient temperatures from +5°С to +40°С.
